Hard Rubber Orchestra
The 18-piece Hard Rubber Orchestra was formed by John Korsrud in 1990. This ensemble has toured across Canada several times and to Europe, released four CDs, recorded ten CBC Radio broadcasts, been involved in several multi-media shows, and is one of the top commissioning jazz ensembles in the world. They have commissioned 60 Canadian composers form both jazz and contemporary classical genres including Kenny Wheeler, Darcy James Argue, Brad Turner, Linda Bouchard, Paul Dolden, Peggy Lee, Keith Hamel, Harry Stafylakis, Hugh Fraser and many others.
Current as of Nov 2020

30 years ago tonight
"October 7, 1990, was the debut concert of the Hard Rubber Orchestra at the original Glass Slipper on E. 11th.
This week, we were to have our 30th anniversary concert featuring new commissioned work by one of my heroes, Peggy Lee, plus hits from the past 30.
Huge thank you to all the musicians and artists who have been part of my dream, and to Diane Kadota for her unheralded
behind-the-scenes work to keep us going."
- John Korsrud, Artistic Director